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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to AYSO Region 1603!

What is AYSO?

How we started

The American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) is the oldest national youth soccer program in the United States. AYSO was established with only nine teams by a handful of soccer enthusiasts in 1964 out of a garage in Torrance, Calif. They wanted to make sure American kids were introduced to the beautiful game. Five decades later, AYSO has thriving programs in nearly 900 communities all over the country, over six million AYSO alumni and a logo that’s recognized nationwide. Great soccer starts here!

Who we are

AYSO is a non-profit organization that provides youth soccer programs for participants all over the United States and internationally in the Virgin Islands and Trinidad and Tobago. Consisting of over 50,000 teams and 500,000 players nationwide, AYSO is one of the leading youth soccer organizations in the world. It is often called “the biggest soccer club in the world.”

What makes us different

AYSO is a soccer program for the entire family. AYSO’s goal is for every girl and boy stepping on a soccer field to learn soccer and have a fun, fair and safe experience. But it’s also to ensure that the whole family can be involved creating memories that last a lifetime. AYSO's kid-first approach makes us a leader in player development. Everybody likes to win, but developing successful players and people is what's fundamental. We also create a terrific experience for parents who can be involved with their child as a coach or referee. Training is important to ensure that excellent experience, but it’s easy and usually free. We want to make sure it’s as much fun for mom and dad as it is for your players! With player development in mind, AYSO makes sure that no kid signs up to play soccer and ends up only riding the bench! That’s not how you learn the game. In AYSO, every player on every team plays at least 50 percent of every game.

Volunteer Power

AYSO runs on volunteer power. Nearly 150,000 registered volunteers run the local AYSO programs all over the country. Every coach, referee, Regional Commissioner – the list goes on – is a volunteer. Even the National Board of Directors and National President are AYSO volunteers. If it wasn’t for the thousands of volunteers throughout the U.S. donating their time every season, AYSO wouldn’t be as successful and far-reaching as it is today.

How we are structured

AYSO is structured by Regions, Areas and Sections: 

Region: AYSO’s grassroots programs begin with a community-based league, called a Region. A Region can range in size from less than a hundred players to several thousand. Each Region is run by a volunteer Regional Commissioner and a volunteer Regional Board. Regional Boards can also be much larger as Regions involve parents with special skills, community leaders and folks who just want to participate in helping families have a wonderful experience. 

Area: A group of AYSO Regions combined form an Area. AYSO has close to 100 Areas nationwide. Area Directors are trained to support and mentor each of their Regions, and are responsible for oversight of activities within their Regions. 

Section: AYSO divides the country into 14 geographic Sections based on player population. Section Directors are responsible for activities in their respective Section, ensuring that Areas and Regions comply with all AYSO fundamentals and deliver quality programs.

National Office: The AYSO National Office, located in Torrance, Calif., provides support to Regions, Areas, Sections and the National Board of Directors. The 50 National Office staff members are here to support AYSO programs and answer any questions AYSO families may have.

All administrators on the Regional, Area and Section levels are volunteers!

Six philosophies

Everyone Plays®

Our program's goal is for kids to play soccer so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least 50% of every game. It’s no fun to spend the game on the bench…and that’s no way to learn soccer!

Balanced Teams

Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible because it’s more fun and a better learning experience when teams of similar ability play. It allows for each player to gain the experience of a wide variety of teammates of different skill levels.

Open Registration

Our program is open to all children from 3 through 18 years of age who want to register and play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing. There are no elimination try-outs and nobody gets cut.

Positive Coaching

Encouragement of player effort provides for greater enjoyment for the players and leads to better-skilled and better-motivated players. A coach can be one of the most influential people in a child’s life, so AYSO requires they create a positive experience for every boy and girl.

Good Sportsmanship

We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.

Player Development

We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game.

What is our vision and mission?

To Be The Nationally Recognized Youth Soccer Program Of Choice

AYSO's Vision is to provide world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO's Mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on AYSO's Six Philosophies:
  • Everyone Plays™
  • Balanced Teams
  • Open Registration
  • Positive Coaching
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Player Development
The mission is accomplished by providing these essential services:
  • Coaching and referee programs including quality delivery systems
  • Quality administrative and operating systems with a support network
  • Strong financial position
  • Special network for volunteers, supported by a national staff
  • Program research and development

Safe Haven Program

AYSO is proud to present its Safe Haven Program– the first of its kind in youth sports, most notably in soccer. It creates a safe environment for players, volunteers, and families to enjoy the beautiful game of soccer.

The #1 priority is player safety. Precautions and guidelines are provided to minimize the occurrence of injuries and to prevent the opportunities for abuses to occur. AYSO’s Safe Haven program has been put in place to protect AYSO players and the volunteers who serve them.

The program requires that each AYSO volunteer complete and eSign a volunteer application each and every year, agreeing to background checks and to abide by AYSO’s philosophies and policies. Every AYSO volunteer must apply and be accepted as a volunteer. Volunteers are also asked to complete child and volunteer protection (AYSO’s Safe Haven) and job specific training in order to become trained and certified.

AYSO training courses focus on the best ways to work with children in an age-appropriate manner and the importance of safety protocols. AYSO’s Safe Haven program is designed to protect both children and volunteers. Every AYSO Region is required to designate a volunteer to act as the Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) to serve as the Safe Haven representative for the program and a focal point for child abuse and mandated reporting.

Everyone Plays In our Communities (EPIC)

AYSO EPIC Program provides a quality soccer experience for children whose physical or mental disabilities make it difficult to successfully participate without assistance.

EPIC players are:

» Players that are Blind or visually impaired
» Players with conditions that impair their mobility
» Player’s with mental or emotional challenges
» Players with Autism
» Players with Downs Syndrome
» Players with Cerebral Palsy

Our goals for every participating player are
» have fun playing soccer
» understand the fundamentals of the game
» learn teamwork and fair play
» increase positive self-esteem
» become more physically fit
» meet and be comfortable with new people


We recognize that everyone needs to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance. The EPIC program offers that acceptance and carries the philosophy of “Everyone Plays®” to new heights – giving everyone a chance to play. Kids with various challenges are estimated to make up approximately 10% of the school-age population. Special schools and classrooms can isolate these children so the EPIC Program has been structured to integrate these children into the AYSO program by using “buddies” to help these players both on – and off – the field.

The AYSO EPIC program helps more than just the players. Buddies and other volunteers increase their appreciation and understanding of individuals with various challenges. They find their lives greatly enriched by their involvement with their new friends in the EPIC program. For parents thinking they would never see their children playing a sport or making new friends, the EPIC program gives them joy and hope. They are able to relax and enjoy watching their children having fun like other kids, perhaps for the first time.

If you have a EPIC player interested in playing or would like more information, please email [email protected].

National Partners

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Contact Us

Region 1603

P.O. Box 1853 
Crestview, Florida 32536

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 850-783-0650
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